Sunday, January 18, 2015

Excavator absorbs Gundabadt

SVG Excavator's maiden voyage was to undertake that which had created the need to upgrade SVG Speeder in the first place - salvaging the battered remains of Gundabadt Station.

I ensured she was well supplied, all systems were operational, and she was fully ready and able to fly. Once all checks came back green, it was time to ease out of dry dock, slowly starboard and upwards to clear SVG Speeder which remained stationary where she had been throughout the build process offering a small amount of turret protection to SVG Excavator while she was without armour and shielding during the initial stages of build.

Unlike CRV Alannis, SVG Excavator's engines did not penetrate the structure from bow-to-stern, but were instead stern-fitted shallow-mount uni-directional fusion outlets.
She was slightly larger than Alannis, but had less shields and thrust, in favour of her primary function - salvage cannons.

Once clear of the shipyard and Speeder, I set the navigation computer to the coordinates of the now derelict Gundabadt Station, and engaged her engines full throttle.

She was about as clunky as Speeder, due to her greatly increased mass, even with the Unidirectional Shallow-mount Fusion Outlet engines (which provided much greater thrust than Speeder's naked thruster module engines).

My rapid-mobility ship "Taxi" can be seen top right, used to quickly get between shipyard, trading guild station, factory, other ships, or even to retrieve pirate wrecks left drifting after coming into range of my automated defenses.
When I arrived at Gundabadt I tested out Excavator's salvage digitisation cannons and was very impressed to see the station melting away before my eyes at a far greater rate than was possible with Speeder.  The entire station was converted to digital mass signatures and stored in my personal storage bank in just under 6 minutes... over 30,000 scrap alloy and a further 30,000 scrap crystal circuits.  A large cinnibar asteroid in orbit around the station was added to my hold within another 2 minutes.

SVG Excavator performed admirably. I had not yet had a need to test her out under fire, however she performed her primary duty as a salvager with great efficiency.

Another successful build.  Soon I would take her out to the asteroid fields to retrieve some more materials, especially some of the rarer elements needed to construct some of the more higher end technologies like shield capacitors and rechargers.  I had depleted the local trading guild's supply of these items, and other ships would need me to construct my own which meant obtaining the required elements...

Gundabadt was gone.  Nothing remained but digital mass signatures of scrap in my hold and some drifting atmospheric molecules where it had once been in space.

This was my space now.

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